Rubilan operates under a different model than traditional employment or independent contractor relationships. On Rubilan, you are an independent professional! We offer the Rubilan platform and services to enable you to teach according to your preferences and establish yourself as an online educator.

How should I manage my Rubilan earnings?

It's crucial to recognize that when you earn income by teaching on Rubilan, it's your responsibility to report this as self-employed income. We don't issue specific tax documents for this purpose. If you require proof of payment, you can generate invoices from your chosen payment provider (such as PayPal) or access your Rubilan Credits session history.

Considering our diverse array of educators located across the globe, each nation has distinct regulations governing the reporting of foreign earned income. We recommend consulting your home country's tax laws and complying with the relevant reporting obligations.

Where can I access details of my earnings?

To obtain accurate information about your earnings, your selected payment provider's transaction history is the ideal source. This record precisely indicates how much you've earned through teaching on Rubilan.

It's important to note that even if you've accumulated credits in your Rubilan Teacher Wallet, these credits haven't yet been converted into money in your payment account. Thus, for reviewing your payments and income, the most accurate source is the transaction history of payments transmitted by Rubilan, which you can locate in your payment provider account (such as PayPal or Payoneer).