Congratulations on completing your lesson, marking the beginning of an exciting language learning journey on Rubilan! Here are a few steps you might want to consider after your lesson concludes:

  1. Confirming Your Lesson

Upon successfully wrapping up your enriching lesson, we encourage you to promptly confirm it. Confirming ensures timely payment for your teacher. In the event that you forget to confirm, rest assured that Rubilan will automatically mark the lesson as completed three days after the scheduled lesson time.

  1. Rating Your Lesson & Teacher

As a student, you have the opportunity to rate both the lesson and your teacher using a 5-star scale. Additionally, you can select appropriate tags that succinctly capture your lesson experience. It's important to know that your ratings and tags remain anonymous, allowing you to provide feedback privately if you choose. Your ratings contribute to an overall score showcased on the teacher's profile.

  1. Providing Useful, Constructive Lesson Feedback

Offering a well-considered lesson comment is a valuable contribution to the Rubilan community. Your feedback should offer sufficient detail to offer fellow students insights into the lesson's nature. Sharing your overall experience proves immensely helpful for other users.

When crafting your feedback:

  • Strive for specificity, acknowledging areas where the teacher excelled and suggesting avenues for improvement.
  • Constructive feedback serves as a motivational tool for teachers, inspiring ongoing growth.
  • If you're a teacher, detailed feedback and guidance can aid your students in reflecting on the lesson and planning future improvements.
  • Remember that your feedback is public and unalterable once submitted. It will become part of the teacher's profile. Hence, it's advisable to ensure relevancy, accuracy, honesty, and a friendly tone.

Here are examples of reviews that offer valuable insights:

Your thoughtful reviews and feedback contribute to fostering a supportive and effective learning environment within the Rubilan community.