Numerous factors play a role in establishing and nurturing our presence on Rubilan. Our responsiveness to students, our profiles and videos, the quality of our service, our classroom demeanor, and the content we provide – these aspects collectively contribute to our success. But what exactly constitutes good content? Here are some key considerations about content.

Content Creation and Sourcing

In our fast-paced lives, not all of us possess artistic or design skills, and time constraints may limit our content creation efforts. Fortunately, there are numerous individuals and companies that specialize in content creation. Some even offer customization options.

  • Enhance ready-made class content with your personal touch.
  • Source images online from reputable sources.
  • Develop templates for quick and efficient content creation in the future.

Aesthetic Appeal

While aesthetics are subjective, your content should mirror your unique teaching style and personality.

  • Ensure content is concise, clear, and reflective of your individuality.
  • Opt for visually appealing, colorful, and insightful content.
  • Prioritize functionality – students should be eager to utilize your content for studying and review.

Facilitating Review

Beyond focusing solely on in-class content, the supplementary materials we provide outside of lessons are equally crucial for student engagement. Bolster the learning experience with post-class content.

  • Create exercises based on lesson materials.
  • Incorporate digital quizzes for interactive learning.
  • Offer additional resources to foster continuous learning.

Remember, it's about providing materials, even if students choose not to use them. The availability of materials encourages students to rebook.

Tracking Progress

Crafting a comprehensive progress report template and filling it out after each class fosters a sense of closure and accountability for students. It also serves as a record of their progress.

  • Develop a template to assess pronunciation, speaking, listening, reading, comprehension, and fluency.
  • Consider using a scoring system of stars or numbers (out of 5 or 10).
  • Leave space for personalized comments on content, memorable moments, or explanations for scores.

Expanding Beyond the Classroom

In addition to feedback reports and study materials, diversify your offerings to cater to different learning preferences.

  • Podcasts: Craft your own podcast that reflects your teaching style and showcases your voice. Adapt content for comprehension and discuss topics of interest.
  • Newsletters & Articles: Develop monthly newsletters featuring cultural activities and updates, fostering connections beyond class.
  • Videos: Be cautious with videos due to high production standards. If you decide to create videos, allocate time wisely.

Evolution of Content

Considering the aforementioned factors, the ultimate key is consistency in content evolution.

  • Establish a content plan, scheduling creation and updates.
  • Implement minor changes frequently to evolve content gradually.
  • Seek inspiration from fellow creators and adapt innovative ideas to your context.

While there's no one-size-fits-all formula for attracting and retaining students, every effort we make contributes to our overall success. Clear, engaging, and appealing content consistently enhances our ability to deliver the best to our students and ensures their ongoing commitment.

— Teacher James