Rubilan expects teachers to be professional and attend scheduled lessons on time. Missed attendance will negatively affect the "Attendance Rate" on a teacher’s profile.
If you've missed a lesson, you will be reported by the system. For each report, Rubilan will send a message to the teacher.
1st report
- The teacher profile will be hidden from the "Find a Teacher" list until the teacher responds to the notice.
- The teacher's availability status will be changed to "accept lesson requests from current students" (current students and upcoming lessons will not be affected).
- The teacher can acknowledge the missed attendance and reactivate their profile by clicking a link in the email. This will restore the teacher profile to the "Find a Teacher" list.
2nd report
- The teacher profile will be hidden from "Find a Teacher" list for 7 days.
- The teacher's availability status will be changed to "accept lesson requests from current students" (current students and upcoming lessons will not be affected).
- After 7 days, the teacher can change their status to "allow lesson requests from all students".
3rd report
- The teacher profile will be hidden from "Find a Teacher" list.
- All the students will not be able to request lessons from the teacher's profile for 30 days (upcoming lessons will not be affected)
- After 30 days, the teacher can change their status to "allow lesson requests from all students".
- The teacher wallet will be frozen for 30 days.
- Rubilan staff may cancel upcoming lessons later on if the teacher's account appears inactive and the teacher does not respond to messages.
4th report
- The teacher profile will be deactivated.
- The teacher wallet will be frozen.
- All the upcoming lessons will be cancelled and refunded to students.
Please note that the Auto-accept feature will be disabled if you missed more than 1 lesson.